My sister loaned me a book titled, "Personality Insights for Moms". Kendra, my oldest, has had ADHD symptoms for years - this kid is totally scatter brained and impulsive. And my second child was so very the opposite - although both were "people" oriented (unlike me). That book was wonderful in that we were able to give Kendra a positive label instead of the more negative "ADHD". She has an "I" personality. And by encouraging her to use her strengths in creative and productive ways, she is now much more happy and has begun the hard road of tackeling her "weaknesses" with an enthusiasm that is so typical of her "I" personality. Turns out little sister (and baby brother) are "S" kids, and I'm a "C". I was most helped by the second half of the book which taught me how to relate to my children as a "C" parent, and to understand that I had weaknesses also. Days are much more relaxed around here, mostly.