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with Susan Crook
Winner of six awards to date including:
WINNER - "BEST Parenting Book of the Year" Award by USA Book News

WINNER - Parent to Parent Adding Wisdom Award (only award honored by Disney.com)


1)  What is your background or experience in this field?

2)  In your book, you describe the four D-I-S-C personality styles. What do the "D," "I," "S," "C" letters represent?

3)  Do we each have only one personality style?

4)  Give an example of a "D," "I," "S," and "C" parent or child.

5)  In your book, you write about the importance of understanding your own personality style as well as our child's personality style.  Why is this important?

6)  Conflict is a major problem in families.  How does your book help us learn how to decrease conflict and increase happiness in our homes?

7)  There is a section in "Personality Insights for Moms" that suggests how to discipline according to personality types.  What are some examples we can use to discipline our child once we know his or her personality type?

8)  There is also a section titled, "Motivation Strategies" that explains how to motivate our child according to his or her personality type.  Can you give us a few easy steps on how to do this?

9)  Many times a child has a very different personality style than his or her parent.  Is there a way to successfully work with the differences?

10) Is there ever conflict when a child has the same personality type as the parent?

11)  You stated in your book that a lack of communication is cited as the number one complaint in relationships.  How does understanding the differences in personality types help communication? 

12)  Is the personality information helpful in the work environment as well? 

13)  How difficult is it to recognize someone's personality type?  Does it take a long time?  Are there obvious clues?

14)  Is there an actual personality assessment test you can take to determine your personality type?

15)  Is there a different personality assessment test your child or teen can take to determine his or her personality type?

16)  Has there been a situation when a parent learned about the D-I-S-C personality information from you, and it completely changed his or her relationship?

17)  Tell us about the awards "Personality Insights for Moms" recently won. 

18)  Are you planning other books about personality types to be released in the future?

19)  Where is "Personality Insights for Moms" available?

20)  What is your website address?

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